So, to taste her favourite snack at your tea time collect these ingredients and follow her recipe as told by her.

Ingredients for stuffingsri lankan rlolls-jacqueline's favourite tea time snack

┬а┬а┬а * 1/2 lb tofu

┬а┬а┬а * 1 lb potatoes

┬а┬а┬а * 1/2 lb onions

┬а┬а┬а * 2 tbsp red pepper

┬а┬а┬а * 4 tbsp roasted curry powder

┬а┬а┬а * 1/4 cup oil

┬а┬а┬а * salt to taste


┬а┬а Take these to make pastry

┬а┬а┬а * 1/2 lb flour

┬а┬а┬а * 2 cups milk (coconut or dairy)

┬а┬а┬а * 1 egg

┬а┬а┬а * salt to taste


┬а┬а┬а┬а Things for breading and deep frying

┬а┬а┬а * 3 cups oil

┬а┬а┬а * 2 eggs

┬а┬а┬а * 1 can bread crumbs

sri lankan rlolls-jacqueline's favourite tea time snackMethod to make spicy Sri Lankan rolls

First make the stuffing. Boil the potatoes and peel of jackets.┬а Dice onions.Add the oil to a pan at medium heat.

Add the onions, tofu, and potatoes in that order leaving about half a minute between each and leave for 4 minute.

Add the roasted curry powder, red pepper powder and salt and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from stove and place where it is easily accessible.

Now for the pancakes. Mix the flour, milk and eggs using a mixer.

Heat a non stick pan which has been wiped with paper towel soaked in butter or oil.

Pour in batter to barely cover the bottom of the pan. Heat at low heat for a minute. Remove the pancake. Place on a plate and place stuffing on top.

Tuck in the sides of the pancake to make parallel edges. Roll the pancake to make a roll.

Continue making the pancakes and the rolls from them. Do not allow the pancakes to cool or stand before adding the stuffing as this makes the pancake less malleable.

Finally dip each roll into beaten egg and coat all round. Then coat with bread crumbs and deep fry until medium brown color.

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