Talking about mudras abhinaya postures movements etc reminds you about the classical dance but what if I say it reminds me about the exercises which help me in shedding extra flab.

Dance contributes to fitness in a big way is nothing new.  Here I have some hidden fitness secrets of classical dance which will amaze you. Soft classical dance soft  gives vigorous workout to all muscles form head to toe.

BharatnatyamBharatnatyam involves slow, sinuous moves, as well as lightning fast movements, like leaps etc neck movements and intricate footwork. The move s in Bharatnatyam involve extensive use of ankles, calves the spine, abdomen and neck, along with the associated muscles and ligaments.Odissi

10 minutes of Odissi is equivalent to an hour of any other workout. In Odissi you are exercising all major limbs –legs, upper torso- and minor limbs like wrist, neck and feet. The body waist downwards had to be very stable, which calls for core body strength. On the other hand the upper torso is used for fluid movements. Therefore our dance practice to achieve body control causes the body to be exercised in the most intense manner.Kuchipudi

The dance comprises of gentle, sensuous movements as well as vigorous leaps and complicated footwork. Kuchipudi exercises each and every body part. Balance is required to hold pose and it strengthens and tones the body.  Abhinaya or expressions helps in strengthening mental fitness.Kathak Kathak practice involves a lot of breathing exercises .The neck exercises improves vitality and prevents headaches .The body exercises tone the muscles of the body , make the heart stronger  and improve blood circulation. Four stages of pranayama are practiced when dancer recites the taal herself before performing the energetic piece. Kathak helps in maintaining the body’s balance and equilibrium of the mind.KathakaliKathakali is highly stylized dance form. It is physically demanding and the movements are very vigorous. The facial muscles are exercised a great deal. Rigorous footwork and complicated hand movements with typical facial expressions makes kathakali a complete exercise. The eye exercises, which makes eyes expressive to the vigorous training strengthens dancer’s whole body and the oil massage that accompanies the training makes body agile and light.

Posted By: Surabhi Yadav