ऋतिक का डांस उनकी एक्‍िटंग और उनके लुक्‍स के दीवानों के लिए हम कुछ स्‍पेशल लाए हैं। हम आपको ऋतिक के बारे में कुछ ऐसा बताएंगे जो आपने न तो कभी सुना होगा और न सोचा होगा।

1. Every once a week, I get up and feel that I cannot act any more. I just get very unsure of myself. But, once I give my first shot, I'm back on track. Insecurity isn't bad, it makes me work harder.
2. Some day I want to be better than Shah Rukh Khan. And I will be better than him, if I continue working the way I am. Some day, I would like to achieve more than what Shahrukh has achieved in his ten years. But first, give me my ten years of time."

3. I make the best Spanish omelettes in the world, but I won't tell you the recipe!
4. I can never wear the same shirt twice because it's always torn by the time I come home!
5. I'm not religious. I don't visit temples. But I hope there is a superpower.

6. I was always the pet of my teachers in school probably because I was considered to be very cute. Because of my innocent looks I usually got away with a lot of mischief. I was spoilt and pampered by everyone. All I had to do was sport a lost-boy look and I would have things my way. At home too, if I wasn't given something I wanted, I would simply sit with a long face till I got it.

Posted By: Garima Shukla