We all want to look younger than we are at any given time, don’t we? Slave your age with 9 secrets I have for you and to keep you looking beautiful for as long as you wish to be.

Beautiful eyes
1. Pay special attention to eye area
The first thing people notice about your face is your eyes. The skin around the eyes is especially delicate and asks to be looked after with care. Massage the eye area with olive oil to make it suppler.

Hand care
2. Pamper your hands

Pamper your hands to oil massages before a shower to keep them well hydrated through the day. Work a hand cream into the hands half an hour before you step out to prevent dust from caking them.

Fruit & Veggies
3. Anti-inflammatory foods
Eat plenty of brightly colored vegetables & fish oil as they are anti-inflammatory in nature.. If you are not a fish-eater you can simply take a couple of fish oil capsules every day. It enhances your looks, heart and immune system as well.

Healthy hair
4. Nourished hair looks young

Comb your hair out before shampooing and massage your scalp for 5 minutes in the shower to increase circulation. Your hair will stay healthy with an increased intake of iron and folic acid rich food.

Broad smile
5. Smile young

Eat less sugar; none if you possibly can. Rub salt over your teeth and gums once a month and watch them whiten. Don’t skip you bi-annual visit to the dentist.
Light & natural makeup
6. No to heavy makeup

Just a little concealer under the eyes and on blemishes is enough. Too much makeup makes you look artificial and might end up highlighting your flaws as well. Wear your skin as it naturally is.

Mild Cleansing
7. Regular mild cleansing
Cleansing and moisturizing every night before you go to bed is enough to clean your skin allowing it to regenerate overnight. Invest in a good cleanser and night cream from an organic store and you are set.

Sleep deep
8. Sleep deep
You need at least 7 hours of sleep to help you body and skin recuperate. Less sleep can make you look tired and depressed.

Try and follow simple steps and make a few lifestyle changes. You see it’s not too difficult to preserve youth.