One of the reasons of developing a beer belly is regular intake of alcohol, especially beer. Beer is high in calorie content, these calories tend to accumulate around the waist area and stomach area, and that is how the term 'beer belly' originated. A beer belly usually affects males, because certain male hormones tend to encourage fats to accumulate around the belly area.
Beer belly
In females, usually the fats are deposited in the thigh and hip area, although there are some women who have a beer belly as well.

You can control your beer belly if you start at the very moment you realize. Start of by cutting down your drinking habit and restrict it to once or twice a week. The next step would be performing some vigorous exercises to burn the belly fat.

Exercises to lose a beer belly

Running and Brisk Walking

Starting your day with a good jog or a brisk walk will also boost your metabolic activity and help you get rid of the excessive fat in the stomach area quickly. Running or brisk walking can burn almost more than 900 calories per hour.

Air cyclingBicycling will strengthen your knees & shed your belly
Putting on weight is painful for your knees as your knees has to bear the burden, this can lead to various knee problems. Bicycling helps you burn more than 500 calories per hour. The harder you paddle the more calories you burn and strengthen your knee muscles as well.

30 Minutes exercise everyday keeps beer belly away

Good fat burning sport exercises include swimming, golf, squash, tennis or table tennis. Even if you practice these sports for 30 minutes every day, you will start to notice results within 15 days. These sports can produce fantastic results if you cut down on your drinking dramatically and follow a well balanced diet.

Other Workouts Targeting Belly Fat
Team the above exercises along with other floor exercises like abdominal crunches, air cycling, sit-ups, reverse crunches, front squats, leg raises, stomach twisting, side bends and so on, you are sure to see some dramatic results in the size of your tummy.


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