Decide the issue of conversationHealthy conversation

Knowing what the goal of your conversation is can help you decide whether it's worth it to argue about specific facts or just want to convey important message. We often don't realize that there are many different ways we can communicate in any particular conversation. Judging the issue will save the energy which can be unnecessarily wasted in arguing without any point.

Eye contact helps in developing concern

Looking into the eyes is the best way to show emotional connect. People find you confident and assure them that you can surely solve their problems. It gives a sense of responsibility and concern. The best way to emotionally connect with someone is to look him in the eye.

Arguments with other person’s perception is useless

Don’t waste your time in deciding what is wrong and what is right if a person is not in a mood. Telling a depressed person that depression is not the solution of any problem is a waste of time. Feel the way he feels in order to stay in situation to make him /her understand things.  Don’t argue on person’s perceptions as it is will not solve the purpose and will only make situation worse. 

Understanding each otherUnderstanding others point of view

Forcing someone to understand things by imposing your views is not a right way to convince someone.  Seeing things only your way is wrong. Try to think and see things the other way to broaden your perspective of understanding. This will make you flexible and give scope to understand the other people well. Stop judging him/ her right or wrong in your own way and your half problem is solved.

Don’t compete while conversing

Don’t always unnecessarily interrupt when others are talking. Listen to him/her and most important point is that let other speak. Linking each and everything whatever he/she is telling to some of your or your family’s experience shows that you are trying to be over smart and you are not taking things seriously. Other person will lose emotional connect and will not show any interest in sharing something which can really make you intimate.