Consuming a healthy diet rich in all essential nutrients is essential to have a smooth and acne-free face. Ensure that you include adequate amounts of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, fatty acids and minerals in every one of the three meals that you consume in the course of a day.


Include vegetables, honey, yogurt, milk, fruits, nuts, and a wide variety of pulses in your diet. Green vegetables may not appeal to our senses, but it is undoubtedly among the best foods just for its nutritional content.

Dairy products

Dairy products are rich in calcium are also an essential part of a healthy diet. Dairy products should be consumed daily. With cacium vitamins are important for skin. Vitamin B1 is helpful for improving the circulation of blood and improving the texture of one’s skin. If you don’t have enough of Vitamin B6 in your body then you are all the more prone to develop eczema. You face a similar risk if your body has low levels of B3.

No to junk food

Minimize the consumption of processed foods, especially junk food items and consume food in natural states. Increase the consumption of food with anti oxidants will improve the tone and texture of your skin. For glowing skin drink large amounts of water. Water helps to flush out all the wastes and toxins that get accumulated in the body over time. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to help bring out your latent glow and radiance. Avoid drinks that are high in caffeine. This would include everything from coffee to soft drinks. Alcohol too is a dehydrating agent, and must be avoided as much as possible.

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