Middle East: Life is too small to drink

War, tension and fear. Is that not enough for anybody to get frustrated and dive into the sea of alcohol? Yes, it’s a scene in Middle East, people going more into fear and companies making more out of it. War is doing all this to the people here.

The Middle East could never hold a financial importance for big liquor barons due to majority Muslim population.  Companies here face huge challenges of selling alcohol in markets as consumption here is severely restricted with higher taxes.

War has changed a picture in the Middle East. Nowadays Lebanon seems as one of the most lucrative markets in the region. The unrest in the country has made it all. People want to drink more and more. They say it’s better not to think about death and consume liquor. They want this time to change their minds nothing else.

Demand of hard drinks has increased in the region.  International drinks companies are tapping into the potential of a growing number of consumers in the country. It is not just multi-nationals doing well out of Lebanese consumers - it is proving a good business opportunity for local drinks businesses too.

Psychologists say its only fear people want to over through with liquor.  

Posted By: Divyanshu Bhard