When winter arrives most people just want to bundle up and stay inside with a cup of hot tea. On the other hand that’s the best time for fitness freaks to hit the gyms and loosen up the extra calories they have gained in past festive season. Here are some nuts and bolts that you must have in your kitty…


Brand:AddidasPrice:Rs 670Brand:Adidas Price:Rs 670  Brand:Adidas      Price:Rs 3500Brand:Adidas             Price:Rs 1600 eachBrand:Apple                           Price:Rs 8000 to 10,500          Brand:Deluxe-towel Price:Rs 450 Brand:Nike bag  Price:Rs 2000Brand:Puma     Price: Rs 450Brand:Reebok Price:Rs 449Brand:Reebok  Price:Rs 7999

Posted By: Surabhi Yadav