f you are worried about your caffeine intake and want to quit your habit once and all just try and follow these simple things.

Caffeine addictionQuit coffee with the help of tea
It is difficult to quit any addiction altogether. Tea has about half as much caffeine in it as coffee. Switching to tea and sticking to the same quantity as you drink of coffee will lower your dose of caffeine and hopefully make it easier for you to stay away from it.

Chocolate eases you, just believe in its caffeine
Chocolate have less caffeine in them than regular tea, coffee, or soft drinks. Sometimes eating even a small piece of chocolate can give enough of a caffeine boost that you won’t feel such a strong urge to drink something with a higher concentration of caffeine.

Try alternative energy boosters
Caffeine boosts your energy and makes you feel fresh. Taking a walk, hopping on the treadmill, playing a game of basketball, or going for a bike ride will all boost your energy level and in a much healthier way. Anytime you can find an alternative method to increase your energy, take it!

Work in team

If you have a friend who is in the same situation, you can cheer each other on and be the support needed to make your addiction go away for good. Try teaming up and kicking the caffeine addiction together. Write down small goals to eliminate your addiction to caffeine so you can achieve them together.Healthy juice

Refill your energy with a glass of fruit juice
Do you love top sip cold drink all day long?  The sweetness of this carbonated and caffeine-filled beverage is what keeps a lot of people hooked on it. Buy a container of 100 percent fruit juice and fill your glass with this a couple of times a day, instead of soda loaded cold drink.






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