Kissing is not only expression. It is a nice workout to keep your face healthy and glowing. No need to be happy. This does not give an opportunity of kissing anybody you like. Just go through some important facts about kiss and then decide when and whom to kiss.  

किस करके सिर दर्द दूर करो

Kissing is actually healthy for you! Kissing improves our skin, helps circulation, prevents tooth decay, and can even relieve headaches. So, next time when you are out for date and you have headache, stay chill and don’t take pill. Just hop on your partner and give a nice kiss treat. Kiss

कैलोरी बर्न करता है kiss

A kiss is effort of almost all facial muscles which can burn couple of calories. A passionate French kiss for 1 minute can burn almost 26 calories. Go for a date if you are bored of going gym. I am not joking, this is something serious. A long passionate French kiss can give an opportunity to break your monotonous routine exercise.


Kiss है एक effective drug

The endorphins you release when kissing are said to be 200 times more powerful than the drug effects of morphine! Hence, the reason you get that “giddy” weightless feeling after kissing for a while. Who knew that the best drug high they could have was both legal and sitting right beside them the entire time? Why sacrifice your health and well being over illegal drugs when you can just kiss all day?

Kiss है germs का transmission channel

One kiss can pass 278 types of bacteria? A long enough kiss could leave you with a transmission of 10 million bacterium! That’s reason enough to keep kissing to just one person that you know and trust and watch brush their teeth, huh?

Kiss से फैलती हैं कई बीमारियां

I’m sure you were aware that mononucleosis or the kissing disease could be passed with a kiss (obviously) but did you know that herpes can be shared with a kiss as well? Furthermore, in one instance in 1997, a woman was infected with HIV through a kiss. This was, however, because both kissers had gum diseases that opened up a whole band of germs passed through human blood. Still, it’s kind of gross to think about.

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