Summarizing and presenting the essence of your profile and business in 140 characters is not easy. To the point well written bio is not complete without smart profile picture. Twitter bio is for you to promote your business and yourself in order to attract potential clients towards your business.

Before you start writing your twitter bio make your mind clear what do you exactly want others to know about you? Your way of presentation leaves the first impression and I am sure that you all very well know that first impression is the last impression. Do not mention four or five passions. Always remember how can you be passionate about four or five things? Ask this question to yourself. You can have many interests but not passions. So never mention your hobbies and interest as passions. Keep them separate. 

Workaholic has negative connotations and implies tremendous effort without tangible results.  Potential customers don’t care how much you work they care about what you have done. So don’t mention this thing as it is your quality work that is counted not your loads of work on which you have unnecessarily wasted your time and energy.

Fooling others is an obsolete idea. People are smart enough to judge you and verify your name and fame.  If you have two or three solid success under your belt, listing them can be powerful. If not, just mention what you do now.

Do not use technologist in your bio if you are just tech savvy and like cool new products and applications as this word is used by a person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems.Strategist is not a casual word to use in your bio. Be who you are. Very few people are strategists; most strategists are actually coaches, specialists, or consultants who use what they know to help others.  “I am unique” Hello!  Are you from different planet or you eat water and drink food?  Tell your qualities and explain why you are better instead of writing you are unique.

Posted By: Surabhi Yadav