
Boat pose (Navasana)
This yoga posture is practiced to build abdominal and core strength.
•Sit on the floor with your legs extended forward and back straight.
•While in the seated position, raise your legs straight up to a 45 degree angle.
•Due to raised legs you might fall flat on your back. The trick is to move your upper body forwards, your arms stretched parallel to your legs. Your body will take a ‘V’ shape.
•Extend your arms upwards in line with your shoulders.
•Balance the body on your butts.
•Try to hold this position for a few seconds and then, bring your legs and torso to the original position.
• If you’re a beginner and finding it difficult to form boat pose, you can half-boat pose. For that, bend your knees after raising you legs and bringing your calves parallel to the floor.

Tree pose (Vrikshasana)

Another yoga exercise for astoundingly flat abdomen is the tree pose, which flattens your stomach by strengthening your core. You will have to balance your body on one leg. Given here are the steps to practice vrikshasana.
•Stand straight with your feet joined together.
•Shift your weight onto the right leg while bending your left knee.
•Raise the left thigh bringing your knees to your chest and then, grab your ankle.
•Bring the ankle of your raised leg to your right thigh.
•Press your foot on the thigh as high as possible for you.
•Make sure that your left toe points downwards.
•Try to balance your body weight on the right foot.
•Now, if you find it difficult to balance on one leg, hold your ankle on the right thigh for some support.
•For the tree posture, raise both your arms over the head and join your palms together.
•Make sure that your elbows are straight over your head.
•Hold the tree pose for 10 long breaths and then repeat it with your other leg.


Cobra pose (Bhujanasana)
Practicing bhujanasana helps in flattening of your belly by stretching the abdominal muscles. Take a look at the steps given here to easily perform cobra yoga pose. Lie down on the floor on your stomach.
•Press your arms against your sides and place your feet top on the floor.
•Straighten your arms and place your palms on the floor.
•Raise your chest off the floor while keeping your lower part of the body attached to the ground.
•Hold for 15-30 seconds and slowly return to the original position.
Along with regular practice of the above mentioned yoga postures, it is important to watch out your fat intake for belly sans bulges.

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